modular home being set with crane

Natural disasters are terrible, destroying homes and disrupting our livelihood. So much is lost, and the recovery process is long and arduous. Those who lose homes can be faced with challenges for months, just trying to get back to where they were before the storm. But there can be light at the end of this tunnel.


Modular homes can take less time to build, which makes them more effective in disaster recovery than traditional site-built homes. Labor disappears in disaster areas as those folks were displaced as well. We’ve seen this before, after Hurricane Sandy devastated New Jersey. The Modular Home Coach stresses the importance of modular buildings in this situation in his blog post, “New Jersey Welcomes Modular Home Construction.”


Pictured above is our first home being set in Mexico Beach, Florida after the tragic events of Hurricane Michael. This is just the first step of many to help rebuild the areas affected by this storm.

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